Trinity Sunday (A)
June 15, 2014
We have all kinds of names for people who are gruff, rough,
uncouth and unrefined. It is hard to pin down just what it is that stands out
in their obnoxious character, but we simply know that there is something sorely
missing. Thus, one who does not know how to close doors, turn off faucets and
lights after using, or one who behaves like he is the only person in the whole
wide world, unmindful of others’ welfare, comfort and needs is simply ungracious,
dense, selfish, self-centered and a whole lot more.
We don’t like such people around. We avoid them. We steer
clear of them, and some of them can even literally throw their weight around,
and make everybody else’s lives revolve around their own. They can be very well
connected, but never attuned; they can also be very much engaged, but never
involved. They can very busy, but never really productive. They can even work
at cross purposes with others, and by simply being obnoxious, turn off everyone
and make them go for the nearest exit, to go as far as possible from such
Truth to tell, each one of us could very well fit the mold.
As they say, we all have our rough edges, and we all have each of us our ugly
side. There are times we are never gracious. There are times we are never
merciful. Times there are, too, when, instead of uniting others, we become the
cause celebre of division.
Charge all that to original sin. We were born with that
“damned spot” in our nature, and graciousness and mercy are two things we need
to develop and grow into, by virtue of hard work, God’s grace, and human
God’s grace! … This is what is given to us each day at Mass
… the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, coming from God, in communion with the
Holy Spirit!
God’s grace! … This is what fellowship, communion and unity
all lead to and produce in us.
God’s grace! … This is what we learn in history. This, too,
is what we glean in mystery. And this, in the end, is what the eyes of faith
will eventually show us – the splendor and majesty of God who is Father, Son,
and Holy Spirit.
History is full of what is antithetical to the nature of
God. We have always been at loggerheads with each other, not only Cain and
Abel, mind you! Two world wars in recent memory have marred our history, not to
mention the endless wars fought even – and most especially – by biblical
peoples. You don’t have to go too far … I am sure there are those of us who
cannot even see eye-to-eye with a neighbor, a sibling, a cousin, an estranged
relative, or former ally, friend, or colleague. Even Jacob was ostracized by
his brothers!
This same world shows us pretty mysterious signs of
contradiction. Government ought to be a government of the people, by the
people, and for the people. Last thing I heard is, people don’t count as number
one. Money does. Pork barrel does. Fake NGOs do. And don’t talk to me about
houses galore abroad, and properties abounding (owned by dummies, why of
course!) everywhere where the sun rises and sets.
Many preachers today will speak about the Trinity in mystery
… are you ready for this? Theologians have a big word for it – “the nature of
the Trinity ad intra!” Never mind if you don’t get it … Let’s try another one …
“the nature of the Trinity ad extra!”
Hmm … nice beautiful words. But let’s get down to jejemon
language. It only means God, not in Himself, but a God in action, a God for us, before He is a
God-in-and-for-Himself … a God in action,
rather than a God who sits in the heavens! … A God who acts in history before
He is known as a God of mystery!
And this is who God is … A God-in-relation … God who is
Father … God who is Son … God who is Holy Spirit. Three persons, one God. This
God is not a happy, lonesome Self, all by His lonesome unconnected Self. He is
One, yes … in Three Persons. But that is not the important matter. The most
important is what Scriptures say very succinctly: “The Lord, the Lord, a
merciful and gracious God, slow to anger and rich in kindness and fidelity.”
And this is who God is … a God-in-action … God who who
shares Himself in and through grace … a God who reveals Himself as Love and
gives of Himself in the same love … a God who is in communion, in fellowship
with us His creatures.
I don’t like snobs. (This is why, at times, I also don’t
like my snobbish self!) I don’t like people who live their lives like there are
no other people to be concerned with (I also hate it when I think only of
myself!). I abhor people who bring discord, intrigue, factionalism,
polarization and division everywhere they go.
Our gracious God is a God who makes us one. Our gracious God
is a God who molds us into community, with Him, and thus form one Church, one
Faith, who share in the one baptism and who worship one Lord, one God and
Father of all.
Praise and glory be to the Trinity: Father, Son, and Holy
Spirit! Gracious and merciful is He!