June 29, 2014
We live in times where multi-tasking seems to be the run of
the day. We attend meetings left and right, but even as we try our best to
follow all the proceedings, our smartphones are busy beeping, chirping, chiming
or burping, as the case may be, calling our attention to a thousand-and-one
concerns that are all collectively called “notifications.” We turn on the
coffee-maker first thing in the morning, even as we boot our laptops, or pick
up our tablets to look for the MMDA app that tells us what we already know –
that traffic is bad like any other day, and that so-called alternate routes are
simply make-believe alternate routes, for everyone has exactly the same idea!
We begin so many tasks. We start so many campaigns. We call
for so many rallies and sign up to so many petitions. We begin so many faddish
diets and we enroll ourselves in every program, from zumba to swimming, to
snorkeling, and all, and when vacation days come around, we end up merely
snoring our way to our rest day. We stock up on all possible reading materials.
We store up on everything on sale. We start a project to redo the kitchen, and
we end up buying “to go” food on every occasion, or suffer the consequences of
a fast-food diet oozing with salt, spices, and oil and that much dreaded, but
poorly understood “trans-fats.”
We put up an initial gallant fight against all imaginable
oppressors, mostly from within, rather that from without. We open the new year
with a gallant resolution, broadcasted for effect on social media, pinned on pinterest, and instantly published
through instagram, and publicly
posted on pages, fb or otherwise!
We compete but seldom complete. We start, but very seldom
see through to fulfillment. We set out in faith, but keeping to the tenets of
the same faith is a totally different matter.
We could be heroes without causes; rebels without reason nor
rhyme; and visionaries without commitment.
The Lord had many followers. Many of them were fair-weather
followers, truth be told. A great many followed with their stomachs and merely
followed the scent of food. A good number followed the Lord wherever he went,
but stopped short of being with him and dying with him at Calvary. Why, even
the leader of the Band of Brothers – no less than Peter himself, denied him
three times, before a harmless, but definitely very curious and inquisitive
maiden who asked him point blank: “Aren’t
you one of them?”
Today, we remember that follower and his momentary loss of
resolve – if, loss of dedication and courage! Peter was at the top of the heap,
not out of his own choice and decision, but called personally by the Lord. Paul
was a Johnny-come-Lately who “was born
out of normal course,” but who was an apostle “true and through.”
Both showed moments of weakness. Both showed not so
honorable streaks in their personalities. Paul was persecutor and hater. Peter
was not too sure he should tell the whole truth about himself that fine cold
night when he was asked point blank by the curious maiden.
Both started out with trepidation and fear. Both had initial
misgivings. Both showed they were not totally cut out for the job. But both did
what they knew they were sent to do. Both grew in the grace and knowledge of
the Lord, and did what was expected of them. Both became great saints, great
apostles, great disciples, and great models for us weaklings, who cannot even
stay one hour at a meeting without checking surreptitiously on our smartphones
for the latest post, the latest message, and yes … the latest update on our latest gadget.
There is greatness in starting big. But it is easy to start,
and not that easy to keep on going when everyone around you has fallen down
like flies. It is easy to sprint for the first few minutes, but very difficult
to keep on running when everyone else has gotten to the sidelines, sipping cold
ice tea, or running one’s fingers on a signature cup of coffee with everyone
else nursing a similar cup while frantically exercising one’s finger muscles
and tapping apps and icons on a glass pane with retina displays.
There is greatness in starting, but there is heroism and
martyrdom on “competing well, finishing
the race, and keeping the faith.”
And this, my dear friends, is what Peter and Paul did. They
went beyond the initial oath-taking and partying when they inaugurated the club
called “Apostles Incorporated.” They went beyond saying, “I will follow you wherever you go,” but at the first sign of
trouble, all the rest of us would rather mutter, “Hold it right there … I don’t
think I can make it.!”
Yes, dear friends, heroism and martyrdom are synonymous with
being Christian followers. Discipleship is not just posting statuses and
updating apps. It has to do with competing well, with finishing fully, and with
keeping to the faith.
Oh, did I say anything about shedding one’s blood and
surrendering one’s will to Him, who alone is God, who alone is Lord, and who
alone holds the ultimate victory that we all are staking our lives for?
So, now, get off your digitally engorged asses and start
working. Compete. Fight on. Finish up, and keep the faith!
At the other side of the race track is not just a rainbow or
a ribbon. At the end of this mortal life is – life in its fullness, eternal
life, with Him up there in heaven, our only true home! Fair enough? You bet!