November 15, 2015
33rd Sunday OT_B
Many years ago, students literally studied under the shade
of trees. Back in the day when the public school system was just getting
started, there was a dearth of classrooms, so they held classes out in the
Years later (and I mean now!) thousands of students may actually be
virtually learning from under the shade of trees and lean-to structures, for
the lack of classrooms are actually worse than it was a hundred years ago.
The good Lord today reminds us to “learn a lesson from the
fig tree.” He was actually talking, not
about the situation that our country and people are in now, but about our
capacity to read signs, to discern, the ability to watch out for signs that
point to greater and bigger realities that go beyond the pale of the ordinary
and the common place.
I grew up surrounded by trees. I actually knew what it means
to plant bananas, coffee shrubs, common vegetables like chayote, and root crops
like camote and cassava. My father taught us to look for signs that point to
something else we need to do after planting. My grandmother taught us that
tubers like cassavas need to be replanted after harvesting them, and that we
needed to start out afresh after a bountiful yield.
For a farmer, the capacity to read “signs” actually spells
the difference between hunger and fullness. Knowing when is the right time to
harvest ahead of the impending rain can mean averting hunger and storing for
the future.
All over the world, signs are afoot. Terrorism has once more
reared its ugly head, for example, in Paris, France. But today, I don’t intend
to go far. We have got enough signs to worry about on the home front. Let me
enumerate some of them.
Reports of big time government crooks abound just about
everywhere, from the country’s premiere airport to the lowly barangay. Streets
are becoming private enclaves. Sidewalks are disappearing, and big time
briberies are done in broad daylight.
There is little confidence now in the political system,
little credence to the electoral system, and little trust in all institutions,
both public and private. These are signs as real and no less clear than the sun
getting darkened and the moon not giving light, and stars falling from the sky.
They are all signs that, for the alert and discerning heart,
points to one and only basic reality … They point to the reality of sin, and
sinfulness, and the culture that it has engendered among men and women of all
But they are also signs that the reign of terror, the power
of death and darkness are not here to stay forever.
And this is where the capacity to read signs comes in as
most handy and most important – when that very same capacity to read signs
leads to the most important sign-reading ability of all.
I refer to faith! Faith is the most important sign-reading
ability that is open to everyone. And hope is not far from this capacity to see
more, not less.
Our times are waning. The liturgical year is about to end.
In temperate countries, the leaves are falling; the air gets colder, and the
nights grow longer. They are signs, not only that the season is changing, but
that in life, all things change; all living things have an end; time is
But they also point to the reality that faith and hope can make
us see … that “the wise shall shine brightly like the splendor of the
firmament, and those who lead the many to justice shall be like the stars
Learn this big lesson,
I pray! Learn a lesson from the fig
The man of faith and hope cannot miss it. The Lord is near!