November 25, 2012
Good old Lewis Carroll wrote these beautiful verses about
the walrus and the carpenter out for a walk and a bite: "The time has
come," the Walrus said, "to talk of many things: of shoes--and
ships--and sealing-wax-- of cabbages--and kings-- and why the sea is boiling
hot-- and whether pigs have wings."
The time has come indeed! We’ve been
through another year, another cycle … another round of reflections throughout
what we call the liturgical year that is about to end. We’ve come full circle,
and what we began a year ago is what we are wrapping up today.
The time has come … yes! But the time,
too, has come to speak of many things: of shoes and ships, maybe? Of rockets
and the ruckus they cause in that tiny piece of territory in the Middle East,
perhaps? … Of cabbages and camotes, and genetically modified foods to feed an
unsatisfied world?
Why not? Why yes! Even of Kings and
despots whose only passport to power is popularity and poise, or
servant-leaders who do good unheralded, unannounced, unsung and unappreciated?
I prefer today to speak of the latter –
the real leader if ever there was one – the authentic servant who needs to be
recognized for who and what he is.
I refer to Christ, the King on whom all
three readings today converge!
His Kingship, according to Scriptures,
is beyond discussion, beyond compare, beyond doubt. His dominion is an
everlasting dominion. Still doubt it? Go, read your history books. Countless
leaders have tried to erase him from human memory. Many of them have declared
their avowed destiny of removing all traces of the man from Galilee. Go and
check once again. Last thing I heard is, to use the words of Billy Gillman,
“God’s alive and well.”
“His kingship shall not be destroyed,”
so says Daniel the prophet. God is alive and well. “The Lord is King; he is
robed in majesty!” (Response).
But we do need to talk about the walrus
and the carpenter, too, as recounted by Lewis Carroll. We need to speak about
subjects of the King, like us, who are manipulative, abusive, and deceptive. We
need to speak about people like us, who behave like despots, not heavenly
Kings; people who need to be reminded that they are not the Kings and Queens of
the country they serve, or live in … of people who behave like the world is
simply their oyster and that they can make use of anyone and anything simply to
meet their selfish, earthly and material ends! (Need I remind you that the
walrus and the carpenter ate the oysters in cold blood, after leading them to a
walk by the beach? Manipulative monsters, they were!)
Yes! We need to speak about the way we
treat the King of Kings! We do need to speak about ambitious kings in our midst
who disregard the law, who disregard even the divine moral law and behave like
the walrus and the carpenter who have no qualms about making lowly critters
like oysters suffer and die in their own juices, just to satisfy themselves.
These days, we are worried sick. We are
saddened by so many things … the current low-intensity conflict between a
nation and a tiny rebel group in that forlorn part of the world so torn by
conflict even during biblical times. I am personally saddened that our
legislators even act like they are biological experts and moral experts who define
human life as not starting during fertilization!
I am saddened by so many equivalents of
the walrus and the carpenter who have no qualms at all making use of people and
hapless innocents just to advance their political agenda.
I am saddened even by me, who, in all
honesty, can also act like the walrus and the carpenter in so many ways. Like
all the rest of us. Human. Selfish. Sinful and greedy and ambitious!
Let’s settle the score then! Even the
lowly walrus and the humble carpenter can do cruel things. We all can trample
on the rights of the oysters below and beneath us.
Today’s feast offers us an antidote. It
would do us good to remember that there is someone higher than us, who is above
us in every sense of the word. He is King. He is Lord. He is ruler. He is
Savior. He is the Alpha and the Omega. He is truth. And everyone who belongs to
the truth listens to his voice.
The King is alive and well. But it is
us oysters, along with the walrus and the carpenter who may have died in our
sins and dead set on doing more and more sinful things.
The time has come! Let us give glory
and praise to Him forever and ever. God is alive and well!