Palm Sunday-Year B March 29, 2015 DESTINY, DIGNITY, INTEGRITY I like how Dianne Bergant develops her reflection on Palm Sunday. Basing herself on the facts given by Scripture, the Lord, she says, knew what was coming, and was totally aware of what he was getting into by getting to Jerusalem. As I write, the whole world of media, both mainstream and social, are abuzz with all news and a whole lot of speculations about the plane that, very clearly, was made to crash deliberately on the French Alps. That was a destiny that depended totally on the free and deliberate choice on the part of one who had sole control of the plane with more than 140 people on board. Without in any way engaging in cheap psycho-babble and psycho-analyzing the by now most talked about name in the world, the fact is, the destiny of that flight was something that totally depended on that man. Today, Passion Sunday, we hear once again, the story of his trium...