[BREAKING THE BREAD OF GOD’S WORD] Solemnity of Mary Mother of God January 1, 2016 SON-TALK; MOTHER-TALK As the Son rises to our consciousness, so, too, does the figure of His Mother rise in our collective imagination and appreciation. Christmas Day, the time when the world bows in worship to the coming of the promised Messiah, is followed a full week after by the celebration in honor of the one through whom the human birth of the 2 nd Person of the Blessed Trinity came to happen. The Divine Son rises in His full human and divine nature. The Mother rises to the occasion and allows herself to be the necessary instrument for the miracle of the Incarnation to happen. This, my dear friends and readers, is what we honor Mary for essentially – for her unique role in the unfolding drama and story of salvation. That role is unrepeatable, even as it is humanly speaking, inconceivable. No less than St. Paul recognizes the depth of this mystery. He acknowledges...