[BREAKING THE BREAD OF GOD’S WORD] November 1, 2015 ALL SAINTS’ DAY HEROES NO LESS, BUT MORE! Today, we celebrate so important a Solemnity that the liturgy of the 31 st Sunday bows down and gives way to the “glory of God in the Saints!” We do nothing less than worship the all Holy God today. We do nothing more that glorify Him in and through the saints we honor and venerate. Hmmm … isn’t there something amiss here? Why should the saints steal the show fro God, kind of? Why do they deserve veneration and praise? Let me first tell you a story … My childhood “hero” was someone who survived the notorious death march from Bataan to Pampanga, soon after the US and Philippine forces surrendered to the Japanese. I have very faint recollections of the details, but Kakang Gorio, as we called him, was a very reticent man who would rather not talk about the gory details of his dramatic escape. He came to us one fine day, not knowing where he was from. He was hungry ...