[BREAKING THE BREAD OF GOD’S WORD] September 27, 2015 26 th Sunday OT_B GOD’S ALL INCLUSIVE LOVE Signs there are everywhere of exclusivity and self-righteousness. Fundamentalists everywhere, of all persuasions, shapes, sizes and guises abound. They are people who lay claim to being the exclusively saved, the most beloved, the chosen, outside of whose group or denomination no one is worthy enough of God’s solicitous care and compassion. A number of them are even violent about it and in defense of the selfish doctrine. There are those who even kill, in God’s name, in the name of their self-centered faith in a god who, at bottom, is intolerant of all those who oppose him even in the shallowest way. Nothing new here … Even during the time of Moses, Eldad and Medad were looked at with disdain, for they were “phophesying in the camp.” They had to be stopped forthwith, at least according to those who were zealously guarding their god-given tasks. Moses, we are told...