[BREAKING THE BREAD OF GOD’S WORD] 17 th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year B July 26, 2015 G PLUS PLUS! Most of us, if not all, have experiences in traveling. Unless you travel in style, merely transposing oneself from one place to the other in the Philippines, can be a real ordeal … for many reasons … most of them economic. For one, you cannot drink too much liquids, or you have to make a scene to ask the driver to stop some place to relieve yourself. Second, it is cumbersome to lug foodstuffs with you. For hours on end, one will have to make do with biscuits or dry bread with not much else that can spoil in a matter of hours. Third, depending on where you go, food may not be available, or you could only get some by paying more than four times their usual price. Both the first and third readings talk about people on a journey. In the first reading, crowds followed the “man of God,” Elisha. In the third reading, crowds flocked towards the “wonder worker,” ...