--> 13 th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year C June 30, 2013 KILLING THE GOOSE; WORKING FOR REAL GOLD! It seems like we do have some hot-heads in the Bible … impulsive individuals who do things on the spur of the moment, and who resolve to execute the first thought that comes to mind. Well, sort of … There’s Elisha, for one … A bit on the rash side, he did not think twice about “killing the goose that layed the golden eggs.” No, I am being flippant here. He had no geese, but he had something a whole lot better. How about being a farmer and having all the animals of burden you wanted? Well, Elisha was one such happy farmer who had the wherewithal to do his work with ease, for he had a beast of burden to help him plow one for every twelve months in a year! But he was crazy enough one day when he saw not just golden eggs, but what was equivalent to more than just gold and decided to pursue it. Stricken by Elijah the prophet’s vision for him, symbolized b...