MOST BLESSED TRINITY June 3, 2012 Mental gymnastics will most likely be the run of the day, as we celebrate the Solemnity of the Blessed Trinity. Many preachers like me will try, once again in vain, to explain away neatly what is essentially a mystery to be accepted, and not a problem to be dissected. It might interest everyone to note that not even Scriptures attempted to explain it away, and remove all veils that cover the essentially unfathomable truth about God. One thing clear in Scriptures is this. God, simply chose to reveal Himself gradually in history, in vivo, I might add, in the events that transpired right from the day Abraham was called to leave Ur and go to the promised land. One more thing is clear from Scripture. There is no other God besides Him. He alone is God. He alone is Creator. He alone is Savior. He alone is Redeemer, and He alone is life-giver and sustainer of the very same life that He gave. Moses would have his people...