Ascension Sunday(A) June 5, 2011 I vividly remember a nightmare I had as a child. No, it did not have anything to do with monsters and goblins and ghouls, and ghosts. It had to do with the terror of being hopelessly alone, in the dark, with no one within arm’s length, no one to hear my silent screams. Being alone is not a very bright prospect. It could be unnerving, if not, terrifying. In this postmodern world of internet and media connectivity, via social networking sites and all, being alone is a curse. It is very reassuring to hear the Lord once more remind us: “I am with you always, until the end of the age.” This is what ascension Sunday is all about. It is about taking leave, but promising abiding presence. Almost sounding contradictory, it is about the Lord saying “good-bye” but assuring us that he will, in the end, be always with us. But more than leaving and being present, the mystery of the Ascension of the Lord, is really a huge reminder of something truly i...