Catholic Homily/Sunday Reflection Solemnity of the Body and Blood of the Lord Year C June 6, 2010 There is no understanding fully the feast of today without framing it in the context of what “sacramentality” is all about. Being the “sacrament of sacraments,” as St. Thomas puts it, and being both “the source and the summit of Christian life” (Vatican II), the Eucharist is eminently a “visible sign of invisible grace” (St. Augustine). In the very visible, and very ordinary reality of bread and wine, we see, and feel, and experience, in an extraordinary way, something that God meant to be so ordinary in our lives as believers – His living, loving, and gracious presence in the midst of His beloved people! Eucharist is all about presence. Eucharist is all about the here and now, the “already” of our Christian lives, though i...